Contact Me!
You mean you wanna talk to lil’ ol’ me? Awwww I’m so touched 😍
Okay so really truly I love talking to my customers so email away. I usually get back with people within a business day or two.
IMPORTANT: If you have sent me a message and have not heard back within 2 business days, please check your spam or promotions folder.
Sometimes my emails do not get delivered to the inbox. If you still have not heard from me, it may be they are being filtered out and you will want to contact me via my Facebook page.
On Troubleshooting:
Having said that - if you’re having problems with a file or need troubleshooting, I would gently (yet forcefully at the same time) suggest checking through the FAQ, the use instructions, and do a quick google search before you email me. Youtube is also a fantastic resource for troubleshooting.
Most of the troubleshooting I end up doing with people is just info that’s available on Google, and you’ll end up with your answer a lot faster if that’s the case!
And if that doesn't work, let me know!
On Collaborations and Guest Posting:
You want to collab with me? Super! Send me your media kit, offer, or if you want to be a groupie I’m open to that too.
I’ve been known to hand out store credit for really awesome photos of things people make with my designs… I am not beyond bribery 😘
I love guest posts - I accept them and I write them. I will say though that my content is always top quality, both what I write and what I require. Send me a quick pitch of what you’re thinking.
Bonus points if you’re a customer and you want to post about a project you made with my design (yassss!). Negative points if you're a marketer just looking for a backlink.